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/ ASP Advantage 1993 / The Association of Shareware Professionals Advantage CD-ROM 1993.iso / files / progming / pwl521x

Jump To: Text (21)  |  Other (7)

Text (21)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
desc.sdi Text File 3 50b 1993-05-06
empty.bas BASIC Source File 64 2KB 1992-11-15
extras.txt Text File 59 3KB 1993-05-06
file_id.diz Text File 11 457b 1993-02-05
library.doc Text File 50 2KB 1992-11-15
lite.bi Text File 198 7KB 1992-11-15
lite.doc Text File 3,893 144KB 1992-11-15
mouse.bat DOS Batch File 59 3KB 1992-11-15
nomouse.bat DOS Batch File 59 3KB 1992-11-15
ombudsmn.asp Text File 11 635b 1992-11-15
order-me.txt Text File 61 3KB 1993-05-06
overview.doc Text File 55 3KB 1992-11-15
question.doc Text File 218 11KB 1992-11-15
read.me Text File 89 4KB 1992-11-15
small.bat DOS Batch File 59 3KB 1992-11-15
support.doc Text File 102 4KB 1992-11-15
vendor.doc Text File 69 3KB 1992-11-15
windemo1.bas BASIC Source File 171 5KB 1992-11-15
windemo2.bas BASIC Source File 114 3KB 1992-11-15
windemo3.bas BASIC Source File 85 3KB 1992-11-15
windemo4.bas BASIC Source File 71 2KB 1992-11-15

Other Files (7)
demo.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 26KB 1993-05-06
version.com MS-DOS COM Executable 912b 1992-11-15
addmouse.lib Microsoft Visual C Library 23KB 1992-11-15
driver.lib Microsoft Visual C Library 5KB 1992-11-15
mstub.obj Relocatable Object Module 474b 1992-11-15
nomouse.lib Microsoft Visual C Library 9KB 1992-11-15
window.lib Microsoft Visual C Library 67KB 1992-11-15